أبها - الحزام الدائري
أوقات العمل
الأحد - الخميس : 6 صباحا - 3 مساء
Create generation know about book of Allah, memorize and recite it
Teaching students how to make robot by controlling with sensors, engines and simple drawing for programming.
It is a table contains colorful and touchable tools that encourage creative playing and enrich collaboration between children.
Set up video games by arranging blocks. The student has full control over what happens in the gaming world and can manipulate it as he sees fit.
Students learn in this non-numerical game concepts and principles of coding and early programming
Make future inventors with electronic building cubes (little bites). It’s easy for use that make creative exploring fast for inventors of next generations. It can be designed without any need for programing.
It’s an educational program using modern Japanese method to improve mind of the children and support them with mentality skills and solve different mathematical exercises
-It’s one of the best activity that improve creativity skills, imagination and Creative Inspiration
3D Simulation VR glasses for specific environment with ability of interact with it and touring inside it like touring in virtual reality
It’s an electronic pen that can draw drawings and 3D shapes , it is special pen , new in its kind . it doesn’t require connection with computer or any special applications. It works with hand and it doesn’t need anything except charging with electric and support with energy .and it is a boom in 3D applications
This program aims to spread the sport of karate between students and acquire them basic skills and concepts of the game. We depending on scientific methodology to raise their awareness for the importance of physical activity.
Programming is a try and error process and there is more than one way to make things work !! Think and work >> There is a basics here no roles